Live Lighter Nannup Flower & Garden Festival 2023

Past Event

Live Lighter Nannup Flower and Garden Festival, 2023

Back once again with dazzling displays of colour and vibrancy, the Live Lighter Nannup Flower and Garden Festival continues to brighten and warm the winter chill with inspiring and iconic Nannup winter flowers and greenery.

With Open Gardens a highlight of the Festival, they offer a rare opportunity to see the beauty of winter gardens in this pristine part of the South West. Mature plantings, new landscapes and cottage gardens with bulbs bursting with colour, there is something for everyone!

For more information, please head to the website here.

Event Details

Location: Nannup Town Centre and Open Gardens

Category: General

Type: General

Audience: All Ages


Organisation: Nannup Garden Village



Event Date(s)

  • Friday 11th August 2023

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