Access and Inclusion

The Shire of Nannup is committed to building a truly inclusive community that celebrates diversity and recognises the importance of including all people. We believe that by recognising the abilities and unique contributions of all members of our community we will grow, develop and continue to be a vibrant place to live, work and visit. 

Council annually reviews its Access & Inclusion Plan (formally the Disability & Access Inclusion Plan), and undertakes to implement outcomes as resources and funding becomes available. To view a copy of the current plan please click on the link below.

At the Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19 December, 2023 at 4.30pm, Council endorsed the Annual Report 2022-2023. An Easy Read Format of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan excerpt can be seen below.

Shire of Nannup Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2026

Shire of Nannup Access and Inclusion Plan - Easy Read Format

Shire of Nannup 2022-2023 Annual Report, Disability Access and Inclusion Plan excerpt - Easy Read Format