Burning Periods and Fire Danger Ratings

The Shire of Nannup has entered an open burning period as of 14/05/2024. This means that you don't require a permit to burn. Fire weather is improving, however please consider the following:

1. Register your burns with DFES on 9395 9209
2. Ensure all burns are monitored
3. Ensure you have the right equipment for what you are burning and ensure that you are burning manageable sizes.
4. Call 000 early if you require assistance to control an escaped burn

For more information on planned burning, please refer to: https;//www.dfes.wa.gov.au/hazard-information/bushfire/planned-burning

Burning Times*

3 November to 17 December  18 December to 29 February  1 March to 14 May

* Burning times: Subject to change at short notice due to variable weather conditions within the Southern Forests fire weather district. 

** Permit to Burn required.

Fires must always be attended, and you must have the ability and means to extinguish the fire close at hand.

Fire Danger Ratings and Bushfire Warning Systems

The Fire Danger Rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started.

Ratings are forecast based on weather and other environmental conditions such as fuel load.

The ratings are:

  • Moderate
  • High
  • Extreme
  • Catastrophic

To view current fire danger ratings visit the Emergency WA website.

Tip: Insert your address (or suburb) into the 'Search Address' box.

Find out about the Australian Bushfire Warning System and how to prepare a bushfire plan.