Ranger Services

The Shire of Nannup has a Ranger on staff who can be contacted through the Shire office on (08) 9756 1018.

For a list of animals currently impounded at the Shire, please see the Impounded Animals page.

Ranger Services

Dog Ownership

Many people enjoy having a dog for companionship, security and having fun, but everyone who owns a dog must be aware of their responsibilities.

Being a responsible dog owner is about understanding your pet's needs and your responsibilities to the community.

Your dog's health, your children's safety, and your community wellbeing are largely dependent on you.

Dog Registration

You are required by law to register your dog. The following information sheet gives dog owners the necessary information to have their dog registered with the shire, click here to view the information sheet.

Local Dog Law

Barking Dogs

All dogs bark but some barking dogs become a nuisance. Excessive barking is one of the most disruptive neighbourhood issues and requires immediate attention. Click here to view more information on barking dog policies in the Shire.

Keeping and Welfare of Cats

From November 1 2013, the full Cat Act 2013 takes effect and will require all cats that have reached 6 months of age to be sterilised, microchipped and be registered with the Shire of Nannup. To view more information about cat ownership, view the information sheet here.

Native Wildlife

For all native animals it is advised that you contact Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, as they will assist you with any enquiries you may have. For contact details and more information, view the information sheet here.

Pest and Disease Reporting and Identification

Pests, diseases and weeds can pose significant threats to Western Australia's production systems. 

For more information on how to report and identify pests and diseases visit: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) encourages the reporting of pests, diseases and weeds to enable early detection.

Accurate pest, weed and disease identification is vital for appropriate pest or disease management. Most importantly it helps us identify possible new threats to agriculture and the environment.

DAFWA has developed a number of apps which can be used to report the presence of unfamiliar pests and diseases. 

  • MyPestGuide - allows you to identify pests and report your observations. DAFWA will respond to reports within 48 hours.
  • MyWeedWatcher - identify and report declared plants and priority weeds within your community.
  • PestFax Reporter - report observations of pests and diseases in your paddocks to the Western Australian PestFax newsletter editor.

Alternatively, please contact DAFWA's Pest and Disease Information Service on 1800 084 881 or email info@agric.wa.gov.au.

Feral cats pose a significant risk to native wildlife, and property owners have an important role to play in the overall control effort. A cat trap is available for hire at the Shire office.